Thursday, December 19, 2002


Rachel and the Shumates went to town with the painting.

Thursday, December 12, 2002


Finally, someone else is going to do the work. $4400 to do the house.

Rachel can't wait to pick the colors.

Finally, someone else is going to do the work. $4400 to do the house.

Sunday, November 24, 2002


I didn't plan on doing the plumbing untill the plumbers wanted $7500 and 4 weeks to do it. Like so many other things it was quicker to do it myself and save a bundle.

Kitchen needed the rusting 1 1/2" line replaced to the sewer...a little digging required.

Failed my first inspection because I had the vent Y the wrong way...darn inspectors.

Saturday, November 16, 2002

Insulation & Ply

We used cotton insulation and styrofoam insulation where there was no sheathing.

Because there was no sheathing on the outside of the studs under the siding, I put ply sheathing on the inside to keep the house standing up in an earthquake. It is a little bit inside-out, but makes hanging pictures much easier.

Monday, October 28, 2002

More Framing

Things escalated and more things had to be removed in order to make them better. Every window opening would be changed and new framing added.

New bathroom framing including new joists around the toilet/tub area where they had some rot.

New ceiling joists from the attic
The back of the house ended up with no original siding left and almost no studs. the giant sliders had pretty much taken out all of the structure.
In hindsight, it may have been smarter to salvage the house and start over since we ended up replacing about 2/3 of the wall framing.

Wednesday, October 09, 2002


After finding that most of the interior walls were framed with the studs the narrow dimension, we found that we would have to reframe all the walls. Oh, well.

We then figured out that the ceiling was sagging 2" because of being way underframed with 2x4's on 2' centers with 12' span. So we ended up dropping all of the plaster and putting in new 2x6 ceiling joists. I really dont quite know what was holding the roof up having the ceiling joists being nailed with 1 toenail on the ends.

Monday, August 19, 2002

In the Beginning

We purchased this lovely house. It was in bad shape and we knew it. Initial estimates would be that we would have to gut the inside, new plumbing, electric, heat, windows, remove asbestos siding and repair all the problems, lots of failing paint on exterior trim. It all looked not too bad mostly because of the small size of the house. 24' x 36' foundation was in good shape with only 2 minor cracks and no evidence of ever having water intrusion. The roof was also in fair shape with no recent rot damage.